The French Intelligence Agency (La Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure (DGSE)) is perpetrating a Silent Genocide on Americans with Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD), Low Frequency Infrasound (LFI), Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), & Microwave Technologies.
The human race is facing a calamity of cosmic proportion. It is a new genocide that is so invisibly silent that most people would swear to the insanity of anyone who dares to point out its existence and the manner it is being perpetrated. The perpetrators are no longer using the Nazi death camps’ gas chamber or the machetes of Rwanda. This method is designed to attack the biological equilibrium of the targeted individual with the goal to slowly destroy the life sustaining systems of the body and precipitate an early death.
This genocide has been going on under the nose of the most vigilant government watchdogs, Legislators, law enforcement officers, and intelligence operatives for the better part of three to four decades. I am not aware of its inception date, but some victims have reported being the target of this torture for over 30 years.
We are used to genocide targeting a particular ethnic group, but this genocide transcends all ethnic and racial groups. It is reported in North America, Western Europe, New Zealand, Australia, and the Far East.
The Weapons of Choice
The weapons of choice are invisible and silent. The perpetrators are using a combination of the following technologies:
- Bio-chemical agents, bio-chemicals compound, and radioactive chemicals
- Low Frequency Infrasound (LFI)
- Electromagnetic waves
- Electromagnetic pulses
- Electromagnetic radiation (EMR)
- Microwave radiation
- Microwave radar
- Radiological dispersal devices (RDD)
Based on my unscientific determination the RDDs, EMR, and the microwave radiations are used to immerse the victim's body in a gulf of ionizing radiation, which renders unstable the nuclei of the body's natural chemicals. This operation creates an artificially induced state of radioisotope in those chemicals. In that state, the chemicals dissipate excessive energy by spontaneously emitting radiation in the form of alpha, beta, and gamma rays. These radioisotopes enhance the effect of EMR, LFI, and microwave radiation, which are constantly inundating the victim's body. This process causes the cells in the human body to decay or become cancerous.
Since each organ in the body possesses its own resonance, with the right kind of bio-chemicals and frequency an evildoer with the means and motive can easily target any organ in the body at will in order to cause a particular illness.
This radioactive isotope phase or state is however temporary since the affected chemicals eventually return to their previous stable state.
Electronic Harassment, Microwave Warfare, Radiological Warfare, Biological Warfare or just Radio/Bio-terrorism?
Many victims have been the subject of the same onslaught of radiations but most call it electronic harassment. Unfortunately most Americans are ignorant of this phenomenon, which is very ubiquitous for many around the globe. Anytime an individual recounts the experience of radiation, the interlocutors would quickly dismiss that person to be psychotic. Eventually, the victim loses his / her employment, friends, family members and is isolated to live in the fringe of society. One of the ways a person ends up being an outcast is by becoming destitute. Worst case scenario: the victim might end up committing suicide or dead of “natural cause.” What is the relationship between radiological / biological terrorism and this phenomenon called electronic harassment? They might be just one in the same, that is being perpetrated by the same entity.
Educate Yourself and conduct your own research
This link will take you to a document that attests to the 2006 declassification date of the Mind control program by the United States Army. The report is titled "Bioeffects of Selected Weapons." Keep in mind that the US Government classifies its sensitive documents for a minimum period 25 years. Therefore for this technology to warrant no further need for classification in 2006, indicates that this information has been validated and corroborated at least by 1981 or earlier.
This video is an interview of Mr. Barrie Trower - a British Physicist who was a microwave weapons expert and had worked for the Royal Navy and British Secret Service. In the interview, Mr. Trower explains how the microwave technology is used to target an individual and the organs in his/her body. The interview was conducted by the World Foundation for Natural Science. For further information on Mr. Barrie Trower and his works, please see the two immediate links below: One is a speech to the Welsh Assembly and the other contains the Tetra report.
According to Wikipedia:
“… A biological weapon may be intended to kill, incapacitate, or seriously impeded an individual as well as entire cities or places. The definition went further to state: if a nation state uses it clandestinely, it may also be considered bio-terrorism.”
“… A biological weapon may be intended to kill, incapacitate, or seriously impeded an individual as well as entire cities or places. The definition went further to state: if a nation state uses it clandestinely, it may also be considered bio-terrorism.”
This link takes you to the United States Army Field Manual FM 3-11.22 on Radiological warfare or terrorism. Go to Chapter 3:
Radiological terrorism usually refers to the use of a radiological dispersal device (RDD) or other means to spread radiation throughout a designated area. Radioactivity is the release of energy in the form of radiation. When an isotope is unstable, it emits radiation and is called a radioisotope. Radiation from radioisotopes can damage human cells and cause problematic health issues through the emission of ionizing radiation. The physical effects of ionizing radiation on the human body usually appear first as nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. This may be followed by hair loss, hemorrhage, inflammation of the mouth and throat, and a general loss of energy. Symptoms increase proportionately with the level of exposure and, in some cases, can ultimately result in death. In addition to the physical destruction caused by a radiological device, radiological contamination—or the fear of it—can have immediate and significant psychological impacts on a populace. Furthermore, the trauma caused by the use of a radiological weapon can also have a significant economic and financial impact on a region or nation for an extended period of time. Radiological material can easily be found in medical, agricultural, and research equipment.
Despite how indiscernible this torment is to the untouched majority, this phenomenon has nevertheless saturated my life and the lives of the other victims like a tsunami overtaking lowlands below sea level. I invite them to acquaint themselves with this phenomenon by conducting web searches for the following keywords and websites:
- Microwave radiation,
- Gang and organized stalking
- Electronic harassment
- Barrie Trower and TETRA Report
- Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) torture
See the links below for a glimpse at what a few victims have been going through
I strongly suggest the Magda Havas, PhD website and other works published by and with Mr Trower. They both speak with authority on this topic.
Is it really biological warfare?
The perpetrators use radiated bio-chemicals that are plentiful in nature and the human body in conjunction with Microwave radiation, EMR, and LFI. We all know that the effect of biological warfare would leave the human body in an utterly gruesome state. Maybe this is not biological since no victims even mentioned of any symptoms that remotely resembles the after effect of a biological attack. This leaves one possible mean to silently and remotely causing biological damage to the human body. My best guess is: radiological / microwave warfare
The perpetrators use radiated bio-chemicals that are plentiful in nature and the human body in conjunction with Microwave radiation, EMR, and LFI. We all know that the effect of biological warfare would leave the human body in an utterly gruesome state. Maybe this is not biological since no victims even mentioned of any symptoms that remotely resembles the after effect of a biological attack. This leaves one possible mean to silently and remotely causing biological damage to the human body. My best guess is: radiological / microwave warfare
Regardless of the type of chemicals used, as long as the process is to cause illness, and/or death, I believe the direct effect or by-product of it is biological warfare.
So who is doing this?
Imagine the intelligence agency of a host nation that is engaged in the assassination of members of the foreign diplomatic corps assigned in that country.
Targeted while Assigned at the US Embassy in Algiers
I discovered being a target in April of 2006 while - as a US Army Major - I was temporarily posted at the U.S. Embassy in Algiers, Algeria. Upon arrival in that country, I noticed being under heavy surveillance. The surveillance did not bother me, because traveling US Government employees are well aware of host countries prerogative to verify the bonafide of visitors crossing their national borders. All we can do is observe and take note.
Three days later, a biochemical compound was introduced into my eye drop at the hotel. After an incubation period of 4 to 5 months, the chemical compound manifested itself in my head with excruciating pains. The chemical subsequently caused me to suffer several heart attacks. In fact while the former K.G.B. officer Mr. Alexander V. Litvinenko was decimating in a London hospital of a radioactive tea, my body was undergoing a series of unexplained physiological problems. The effects of the biochemical compound in my body culminated into an episode that felt like my inside was about to explode. By then I was already in another country and became convinced of being targeted for assassination, but in a manner to make it appear as if I died of natural cause.
At the onset of my ordeal, I was fairly certain of the hand of a foreign power as the force responsible for my problems. I was very confused and ignorant of the exact nature of the threat I was facing and how they had set out to destroy my life. I ardently tried to comprehend what was going on, but failed miserably. I failed because I was unaware of the existence of gang / organized stalking and electromagnetic radiation as a mode of harassment in this country.
The chemicals might not meet the requirements of the 1972 Chemical warfare convention. However, I would like to underline this excerpt of the definition that deals with the intent of a biological weapon: “… a biological weapon may be intended to kill, incapacitate, or seriously impede an individual as well as entire cities or places.”
This is not a North African Science
Who is capable and willing to try to kill a US military officer assigned at a diplomatic post? Since an attempt on my life was executed while I was in Algiers, some might speculate that the responsible party is possibly the Algerian government. Is it really the Algerian government? What country has the scientific and technical know-how to strategically place a chemical compound into someone’s eye drop container that eventually causes him to suffer multiple heart attacks 8 months later? What country has the capability to isolate and target a person’s internal organs with the use of LFI, radioactive chemicals, and EMR?
This science is not a North African science. This is without doubt a country that has made tremendous strides in the field of science and technology. My experience is extremely similar if not identical to the ordeal of the other victims. But from my optic La Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure (DGSE) - the French Intelligence Agency equivalent to the central intelligence Agency (CIA) - is responsible for my saga. I am certain the DGSE is the culprit, but doubt it could have ever happened without the knowledge of the Algerian intelligence agency. I saw the Algerians watching everything while I was in Algiers and also in the Washington DC area.
This does not mean the Algerian government does not have the means and the motive to FINANCE such an evil plan, click on the link below then scroll down to ascertain my analogy of the Algerian intelligence agency's complicity.
My experience is extremely analogous, if not identical, to the ordeal of the other victims of radiation, electronic harassment, and gang stalking. From my optic La Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure (DGSE) - the French Intelligence Agency is responsible for my saga. I am certain the DGSE is the culprit, but doubt it could have ever happened without the knowledge of the Algerian intelligence agency when it began in 2006 in Algiers.When I was in Algiers, I was very much aware of the presence of the Algerians every step I took. Later, I was able to link some of the same agents who monitored me in Algiers to the others who were monitoring me in the Washington DC metro area.
During the period subsequent to April 2006, I observed and noted the responsible parties as they tracked me through Algeria, Qatar, Bahrain, England, and ultimately to the Washington DC area. I distinctly noticed French nationals as part of a surveillance team tracking me from Algeria to Washington DC.
I was Targeted as a US Army Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) assigned at the Pentagon
As a US Army Lieutenant Colonel assigned at the Pentagon, I became the target of an intensive - around the clock - inconspicuous surveillance. When I reported that fact to my organization, I was command referred to the agency’s psychiatrist. I then tried to get back at the low life tormentors by photographing and following them around. I would pick one moron and follow him / her around for a few miles. At such moments, the group would become more aggressive and block me off. Although the Modus Operandi (MO) was somewhat similar to gang stalking, but initially, the object of the operation against me was other than gang stalking. I believe this has strictly been a foreign intelligence operation in America. Members of the group surveilled me at the Pentagon and at both Headquarters of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). At the beginning, their surveillance teams consisted mostly of individuals who appeared to be of Caucasian Americans, western Europeans, and upper & sub-Saharan lineage. It was not until a little later that the demographic of the group slowly became that of the Washington DC area.
Radioactive Chemicals are used to complement LFI and EMR
The radiation campaign is usually complemented with applications of chemicals to accomplish a desired effect. Those chemicals are forced into the body clandestinely and are absorbed into the blood stream via touch, food consumption, or through the respiratory system. Since the chemicals do not bother those who are not targeted, they must be plentiful in nature and to a certain degree in the human body.
I think the zapping sensation I and other victims experience might be a reaction of the chemicals already in the body, with Low Frequency Infrasound (LFI), Electromagnetic Waves, Electromagnetic Pulses, and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR). Why no one else feels the zapping unless they are especially targeted? I do not know. The same goes for eating radiated food. When I feel the presence of these chemicals in a public setting, I would be the only one affected. Regardless of the chemicals’ point of entry into the body, they tend to leave a bitter or salty after taste in the saliva. When an item contaminated with chemicals is touched, the chemicals would quickly travel through my body and enter my blood stream, where subsequently will react with further chemicals, waves, and electromagnetic radiation.
A Brief Period of Gang / Organized Stalking
When they realized I was able to identify them and take their photographs, they began a campaign to discredit me. They temporarily modified the goal of their operation to overt gang stalking. They were evidently trying to aggravate and overwhelm me with - but not limited to - the following subliminal actions:
• They got extremely close to me to the point of violating my personal space.
• They jingled the change in their pockets close to me to unnerve me
• They would rush to follow me as I entered buildings
• They crowded me in elevators and everywhere I went.
• The harassment continued on the highway as they use a passive aggressive method of driving real slow in the left lane in front of me. At times, they also boxed me in order to force me to drive slower.
• At night they followed behind me with their high beams
• They called my phone while I slept during the night to say nothing and hang up
• They topped it off by moving my rental car from one end of the parking lot to another while the car was parked and locked on a military installation. That was an attempt to make me think I was losing my mind or in the event I shared that information with anyone, my interlocutor would think I was crazy.
I was convinced they were trying to isolate me, push me over the edge, or make others think I was a lunatic. The overt gang stalking did not last long (maybe 3 weeks max) and ceased abruptly when my employer referred me to the agency psychiatrist. Who would believe someone referred to the psychiatrist?
360 Degree & around the clock coverage of my being
The operation however continued but even more clandestinely. They proceeded with a series of stealthy home and car intrusions to spray chemicals in the air. They applied chemicals or radiation on my clothes, my provisions, and water supply. On the roadways they used cars to engulf me with chemicals that reacted with the other chemicals they put in my food to eventually cause death of natural cause. Helicopters are used extensively to release certain chemicals either directly over me or over my expected routes. When the helicopters pass directly overhead, I would immediately feel flu-like symptoms. Other times I would feel a terrible fatigue coming over me. Could that be a viral bug.
It is Frequency
At the start of my ordeal, I honestly had no clue what was transpiring. I felt the zapping, the zings and the radiating of my heart area in the body throughout the day and night. At times I would feel immediate physiological changes, bu other times not. I began to slowly piece the puzzle together. My routine was to feed the birds. One day, I was feeding the birds, each time I felt the familiar zing or zap, I noticed like on a cue, all the birds would fly away at the same time and return immediately. It was as if it was their invisible dance. I then realized that what ever was being used had a frequency that bothered the birds to make them instantaneously fly away. Little did I know that the weapons that were being used at that time were none other but frequencies themselves.
Is it really possible to individually target the body's organs to produce a specific result? As previous research by the military and other civilian entities have proven, the human organs have specific resonant frequency that can be targeted with a specific frequency for good or ill using low frequency infrasound and radiation along the electromagnetic spectrum. Therefore, with the proper dose of chemicals and the right frequency, each organ, in the body can be targeted with either the goal of optimization or degeneration.
When the chemicals released from cars did not work, they switched to low frequency infrasound (LFI). Ultimately, they began using electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic pulses, and electromagnetic radiation still combined with bio-chemicals. While in my apartments, I would always feel through walls electronic attacks, which caused me to move out of several apartments and ended up living on a boat. During the chemicals, infrasound, and radiation assault on my being, they have targeted every organ in my body. At a minimum they targeted my stomach, my heart, my brain, my eyes, my pancreas, my liver, my kidneys, my lungs, prostate, my muscle group, my sinus / respiratory system, and my digestive system. They targeted my circulatory system by trying to induce a disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).
Seamless operation throughout the United States & Canada
The harassment and attempts to murder me are conducted seamlessly from state to state and to Canada. If I fly to another state, they would fly with me both ways. The radiation campaign continued during the flights, aboard the airplane and resume upon my arrival at my destination. While in Canada, they used vehicles with Canadian license plates, but when I crossed back into the United States, they switched back to using vehicles with US plates. Another time, I call myself trying to avoid them, left the DC area and drove to Louisiana, but the surveillance and harassment seamlessly followed me through Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.
Is it the US Government?
In view of the extensive resources used in these operations, it is perfectly logical for any victim to blame the US government for their pains. Most observers would agree that only a government could afford to dedicate such boundless resources to conduct these operations. This is why 99% of the victims accused their respective Government or military as the culprit. There are reports of the same activities occurring in Western European countries, New Zealand, Australia, China, Japan etc. In the case of the American victims, I realized that it is not always the US Government in every case. I am not even sure if the US government is even involved at all. This does not mean that select members of the US government are not aware of what is transpiring. I have been the target of this maltreatment since 2006 and discovered that there are multiple forces at work in this country.
The last thing you would find me doing at this time is to defend the US Government. However, I have observed and tracked the culpable parties as they followed me from the Middle East to Washington DC. In fact I was badly mistreated by agencies of the US government when I reported the aggressive intelligence operation that was mounted against me. They:
- Stripped me of my access to classified information
- Referred me to three psychiatrists
- Diagnosed me of delusional disorder
- Had me admitted in the psychiatric ward at Walter Reed Army Hospital
- Forced me into early retirement.
There are a variety of groups-for-hire operating in this country. It should not surprise anyone that foreign intelligence agencies would find it beneficial to use these, for-hire groups to maintain anonymity while operating in this country. Based on my observation, these groups are made up of a gaggle of regular citizens and a variety of active, possibly retired, city, state, and federal government employees and contractors. They operate in family unit as well. When in restaurant settings, a female, as part of a couple, would be the one carrying the portable radiation weapon in her purse or pocketbook.
Despite the similarities of my ordeal to that of the other victims, I am absolutely certain my problems did not begin with the US Government. I emphasize begin here, because I am unaware of the US government's actions when I submitted a report of being under heavy surveillance. My intention here is not to exonerate the US Government and give them a get-out-of-jail-free card. I do not know what the US Government knows in this matter, nor am I aware of their activities under the veil of secrecy. If any US Government agency has jumped on the bandwagon and is piggybacking on the DGSE’s actions to use me as a guinea pig, remove me from society, or finish the job started by the French, unfortunately and sadly I cannot prove it. I believe the tormentors and aggressors responsible for these sadistic acts will lay in the bed they are making for themselves. This includes rogue US agents or US agencies.
The Goal of this terror or torture is to neutralize the victim
In my situation, each act of the the French Intelligence Agency (DGSE) or its proxies, fits deliberately and systematically to a puzzling campaign of psychological and physical torture on my being. The goal of this campaign is to completely neutralize me. Using the Techniques, Tactics, and Procedures that supposedly will yield no trace of their murderous acts, the DGSE has been clandestinely using a combination of the following concoctions and technology:
Based on my observation and experience,
As a nation state – the french Intelligence Agency (DGSE) - hence the French Government - has been clandestinely and deliberately releasing chemicals into my environment (home, car, public venues, etc), my food / water supply, and my clothing. These chemicals later react with EMR, LFI, electromagnetic waves and pulses, microwave radiation, etc. The ultimate goal of this torture is to offset my biological equilibrium and cause illness/diseases, and eventual death.
How do I know it is in fact the DGSE?
In view of the covert nature of these activities, how do I know the DGSE is responsible for my psychological and physical torture? Prior to 2006, I was posted in East Africa, where the DGSE made several barnyard attempts to begin a process to try to recruit me as an intelligence asset. I saw through their amateurish tactics and of course stayed clear of them. I suspected several subsequent indirect attempts to collect on me, which I did my best to sidestep. I remember calling them some unflattering names while they were monitoring my cell phones. I saw the French as part of a team surveilling me when the biochemical compound was introduced into my eye drops in Algiers, and as they were tracking me through several countries from the Middle East to Washington DC.
With the knowledge that the DGSE was monitoring my cell phones around the clock, I communicated with the agency and conveyed to them that I am certain they are responsible for torturing and trying to kill me by means of bio-terrorism. I also informed them of the detail of their operation and their use of helicopters. They used to employ helicopters multiple times daily, once I put that information out on the wireless for anyone to capture, they immediately discontinued the use of the helicopters. Although not as intense as before, the use of helicopters resumed later. I am not sure what agency is currently flying them.
Why would the DGSE target me for assassination?
Why was I selected for this electromagnetic radiation torture in the first place? After a careful analysis of my past voyages, I believe I have a pretty good idea why the DGSE selected me for elimination. They are deliberately trying to murder me. Once they realized I was able to identify them and took pictures of their operatives, they switched to discredit me at the very least. How did I manage to upset the French Intelligence Agency? Albeit unintentional, it must have been something I said that ruffled their feathers. Any first world western country trying to kill an individual for having said something deemed insulting depicts the actions of a 4th world country that just happen to have a nuclear weapon. I can enumerate several reasons for their first attempt to eliminate me clandestinely while I was assigned at a diplomatic post and why they will do anything to finish the job:
1. They made an amateurish attempt to recruit me as an intelligence asset. I immediately saw it coming and avoided it.
2. They subsequently made other veil attempts to collect on me, which I always recognized and did my best to sidestep.
3. While they were monitoring my cell phone
- I called them amateur loud enough for them to hear me.
- I commented that if it were not for U.S. and foreign intervention in World War I and World War II, France’s official language would have been German.
- Or maybe it is because I also made the comment that former British colonies fair tremendously much better than former French colonies.
Since I survived the initial attempts on my life and know exactly that they are the culprits and have conveyed that fact to them, now they are definitely on a quest to finish the job to silence me.
So Many Victims
According to Internet postings, there are over 3 million victims of EMR in the United States. Once I learned of their existence, I began to compare the MO used and the victims’ physiological complaints. The techniques and numerous afflictions reported by other victims, unmistakably, parallel the MO I observed and after effects of EMR torture I felt. Despite the covert operations to radiate my body 24/7 for the past 4 years, I am certain the DGSE has a hand in the initial and subsequent attempts on my life.
Blatant Violation of the 1961 Vienna Convention by the DGSE & the Algerian Intelligence Service/Government
Is the DGSE also responsible for the EMR torture of the other American victims? I do not know that, but if you ask me, I'd firmly say that the French Intelligence Agency has been using a segment of the American public as a pool of unwitting guinea pigs. Apparently, the goal of the experiment is to test, deploy, refine tactics, adjust, and improve their use of EMR weapons. This type of information falls in the realm of state national security secrets. No nation wants the international community to learn that its intelligence agency:
• Has committed one of the gravest international infractions by trying to assassinate another country's genuine officer while assigned at a diplomatic post. This is in direct violation of Articles 1, 29, and 37 of the 1961 Vienna Convention, which covers the protection of diplomats and their embassy technical staff.
• Has been using the American public or any other nation's public as a pool of guinea pigs to test their electromagnetic radiation technology.
Not without precedence
I have a distinct feeling that such violations are not without precedence. These activities are very well rehearsed. This is not the kind of operation one can throw together at the last minute. Let’s surmise I am the sole victim of the DGSE, sustaining an operation of such magnitude around the clock for 5 years requires vast resources, preparation, and countless rehearsals.
What is really going on? Ms Eleanor White wrote "... maybe we are witnessing the onset of a global dictatorship where the end justifies the means..." This is a very costly venture. Due to the technology and resources at play here, it takes a government or an intelligence agency to undertake and sustain an operation of such magnitude. I cannot speak for the other victims, but from my optic, the French Intelligence Agency (DGSE) figures prominently in the chain of blame and responsibility for my EMR torture.
Access to where my letter is posted online is blocked.
On 31 March 2010, I forwarded a copy of this letter to where it was immediately posted on the web. Less than 24 hours later the letter was either taken down or masked from that website search engines and others. Mr. Adachi forwarded me this link that was disabled by someone who accessed my email. Someone definitely does not want this information published.
The link has been blocked or broken and might not direct you to the letter. In fact if you click on the link above, you will notice the word “BLOCKED” in front of the http. To access the letter, just remove the word “BLOCKED” in front of HTTP and hit enter or go. The page will then open without any problem.
When you get to the letter, I suggest you listen to the 31 March 2010 radio interview that discussed my letter.
What is the true Agenda of this electromagnetic radiation (EMR) torture?
Initially, I was very confused at my inclusion into this torture campaign. I saw it as a clandestine intelligence operation that went real bad. They tried to clandestinely follow me around the Washington DC area using a very large number of individuals, but I was able to see and photographed their operatives. I saw the hands of the French and the Algerians in that operation. Second and a little later I realized that they tried to kill me, but failed. Unfortunately for them, I also know that they had tried to assassinate me. I am very well aware of who made the veil attempt on my life. I suspected they were trying to finish a job that was previously started in order to silence me.
It does not matter what agency is truly responsible for substituting my eye drop with a bio-chemical compound at the hotel in Algiers. The goal at that time was to assassinate me while assigned at a diplomatic post. Obviously this act was not a random act perpetrated by a regular citizen. Whether it was the French or the Algerian government, neither country want the world to learn that one of them attempted to kill an officer of another country while assigned at a diplomatic post.
What is the connection between my case and that of the other 3 million or so cases around the globe? The Modus Operandi (MO) and the after effects of the radiation torture are identical. Let me go a little further, what is the connection to the claim of conspiracy theorists? According to them, there are secret societies yearning to form a one-world government with a reduced “manageable” population. The claim is that they intend to reduce the population, but I have yet to see anyone identify how the secret societies intend to arrive at their so-called manageable population goal.
Is it possible that this radiation torture we have been experiencing is a mean to dispose of people in massive numbers? Based on my experience this radiation can outright kill someone. If the victim of radiation does not expire from the radiation, the harassment will render any victim to be outright mad. The neurological portion of this torture will cause the victims to do things that so-called normal citizens will be too happy to have them declared insane. If you have a large number of the population declared insane, this will provide the so-called protectors of liberty the authority to dispose of the “insane” masses as they wish. Who could benefit from such an evil plan? Oh by the way the answer might be in the question.
Darpa Raymond WIFI Torment Harassment Case.
ReplyDeleteNo Joke!!! I'm Lee lee563 at ykcwb dot com. I have reports everywhere and have spent thousands in a court case.
I am posting this because Howard William Raymond
Raymond uses Jay Leno Comedy Club for his Gov. Wifi warfare research.
I have reported this everywhere. He has implanted me and said the US Darpa Gov. won't acknowlege nor remove it.
(invisble like a net program download) Howard Raymond from Virtuagirl dot com CA., USA Gov. said they wifi your house and install an invisible Darpa wifi retina-eye program implant from his site VG then from your monitor to your right eye with no cam of your own projects an invisible
one that views, sells and records many members like myself then threaten and harass you 24 hrs. a day.
Raymond is selling his porn site members sex like his father did in England for 20 years. Raymond said police and Gov officals are now Darpa chipped monitored for security!
He said they have implanted millions for his U.S. Wifi Darpa Warfare Research Dept.
Raymond has all ny personal info, bank accounts, cc, ss, drivers license and passwords when I used them on my computer! Computer porn hijacked!
Gov. Darpa Wifi Eye Implant Raymond law suit in order for his bulling to sign off illegal porn from my home.
Howard Raymond King of Porn Billionaire states to me they are immune to any drug or invasion of privacy crime laws because he is US. Gov. Warfare Research Dept. Darpa (Defense Advanced Research Projects Projects Agency).
Howard Raymond firing Obama Darpa Wifi Eye implant invisible programs for 25 years from 72310 Blueridge Ct. Palm Desert, CA. 92260 says he owns Virtuagirl dot com and Totem Entertainment porn and porn sites.
So if you feel you are being harassed by ear and mind microwave sound torture or computer porn hijacked, it is probably this US Gov. Darpa Wifi Expert Warfare Research King of Porn, from London.
Raymond uses a Gay Jay Leno Comedy Wifi Torture Hate Republican Club with, from his home in Palm Desert, Ca.
Darpa Wifi Expert and uses Obama's voice and pictures on my tv and internet to wifi harass torture his victoms and said he or his Gov officals implanted California and many other states and countries for Global Microwave Mind Control and harassment for his Dapra Democratic Dept. Exe. Warfare Research Dept. !!!
Two years ago I posted this Country is going down at Virtuagirl dot com and they implanted and microwave tortured me because I am a Republican and won't sell my sex through the computer at Virtiualgirl dot com.
Raymond said he is using an Invisible Retina - Eye Microwave Implant installed from your monitor from his home. Threatening me with he or I am selling sex and illegal videos out of my room to virtuagirl dot com or girls in my town because he has a gov. program in my computer and my monitor is and I am selling illegal porn.
Raymond states Virtuagirl members sex and many of his porn sites are being sold and you can't do anything about it because he is Darpa Wifi U.S. Government !