Analogous experience to victims of electronic harassment

Electronic harassment is either a prelude to or the actual Electromagnetic Radiation torture

My experience is - without doubt - analogous to the ordeal of the million other electronic harassment victims in America and around the glob. I think the electronic harassment is the softening up of the target.  In other words, it is the process of bringing the targeted victim's body to the level of radiation sensitivity.  Once the body reach that peak of sensitivity, the victim is more prone to the disease or ailments they want to afflict on him / her.  Please see my page on the possible ailments one can suffer.

The following occurrences scratch only the surface of the torment I have been going through:

1. Violations of privacy. Total violations of privacy and civil liberties

2. Home and car intrusions. Clandestine intrusions of my domicile and car. These violations include any home or car to which I might have access. They clandestinely entered my family home in Oklahoma, my mother and sister's home in Florida, home of close friends, daughter’s car. The intrusion is also done while I slept and in the shower. That was made possible after sleep-induced chemicals were pumped into the apartment causing me to fall into a deep sleep.

3. Gang/organized stalking. The overt gang stalking was short-lived and lasted about 3 weeks.

4. Base operation. Not sure of a base operation but I am sure several have moved into my building and the building where my girlfriend lives. The possibility of a substation in my apartment building and hers is very likely.

5. Directed Energy Weapons. I have been perpetually targeted with Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) in my apartment, my friend’s apartment, on my boat and on the road.

6. Temporary physiological problems. Suffered from the two extremes of induced diarrhea and constipation. Persistent anxiety / Abdominal pains / Occasional excessive urination / Unexplained headaches / eyesight deterioration. Mosquito stings sensation on the body producing an itching sensation. Wild legs jerking while in bed giving a feeling of restless leg syndrome.

7. Heart palpitation. Sudden Heart palpitation while sleeping or in a relaxed mode. On several occasions, my heart had skipped a beat. They have been attempting to remotely give me a heart attack for a long time

8. High body heat. Sudden extremely high body heat while sleeping. I think this is caused by electromagnetic radiations, which can be fatal if the body temperature is elevated above a safe level.

9. Vibration of organs. I have felt vibrations of my chest cavity, my eyes, glands, and other parts of the body.

10. High level of Potassium. High level of potassium in the blood after being exposed to a high dose of chemicals and radiations.

11. Misdiagnose of Mental illness. Forced into a mental hospital, diagnosed with delusional disorder and forced into medical retirement

12. Questionable Lab Results. Although my biological system was under tremendous stress due to chemicals and electromagnetic waves and radiation, my lab results are always within range. My suspicions have always been that the DGSE accessed the Lab Company’s database and tempered with the results.

13. The phone call. I met a very nice couple at the Vancouver Airport. They invited me to join them at their Airlines VIP lounge. As an attorney, the lady gave me free legal advice after having met only 15 minutes earlier. They gave me their business cards, a book to read, and asked me to stay in touch with them. By the time I got off the plane at Dulles Airport and attempted to thank them for the book and say goodbye, they received "the phone call" and looked terrified and did not even want to shake my hand to say goodbye. I then remembered seeing the government looking moron trying to keep on eye on me as I was boarding the plane. Another time, I went to visit a family friend of at least 18 years. Their house is where I was always welcomed. If the door is open, I merely need to let my presence known and enter. It is a house where on many occasions, I played dominoes, cards, ate many dinners, and slept when I visited. When I went for a visit in December 2006, he was not home, but his wife received "the phone call." She looked terrified and disappeared into the bedroom where she remained and did not come out to talk to me. Her husband, an army colleague and friend, who always made time to meet me for a drink, abruptly stopped calling. I figured immediately I was being isolated.

14. Burning sensation.  Burning sensation of the skin, bottom of my feet, and internal organs. The internal burning mostly occurs near the areas of the stomach, the pancreas, the heart (more than any other area), and the kidneys, etc.

15. Blacklisted. Although fully qualified with specialized skills, I was refused employment with a couple of federal agencies.

16. Attempts to make me destitute. Something was done with the Defense Accounting System to cause me to miss several retirement checks. I have no idea what exactly was done. The situation was corrected.

17. Incarceration Attempts. Once the police pulled me over for a traffic infraction. Rather than coming over to my car to ask me the routine questions, the officer remained in his squad car and began to insult me on the PA system. When I ignored him he just drove away. Another time, I could not sleep because of all the chemicals that were sprayed in the apartment. At 0300 hours, I went for a ride and saw someone following me. I changed lane, but he mirrored my moves. A little later, the police pulled me over. This time the police came to the car and asked the routine questions and told me that I was weaving all over the roads. I briefly explained to him the reasons why I was changing lanes. This officer was probably not in their stalking network. He apparently believed my explanation and he mentioned that it was a fireman who called the department and gave my car's description and told the station that I was swerving all over the road. A FIREMAN!!!

18. Electronic monitoring. I have been the subject of a very intense electronic monitoring apparatus. They constantly monitor my phones, computers, email addresses, bank accounts, credit cards etc. A bug was placed on my laptop computer as I was charging it at a public cafe with no wireless access. They were able to access my computer through the electrical outlet. Other times, they accessed my laptop computer while I was using the computer on battery power only and not even on the Internet. I normally disable the communication hardware on all my laptop computers. So you do not have to be on the Internet to be vulnerable.

19. Targeted with microwave radar. Through walls microwave radar and electronic torture. Most of the time, I only get radiated when I am alone in the living room. Other times, if someone else is in the living room with me, I am not radiated. Therefore, they know exactly when I am alone in a certain room.

20. Missing items. Family's passports and other items came up missing.

21. The zapping and Zing. Constant zapping / Zing of the body with Low Frequencies Infrasound (LFI) and electromagnetic waves and pulses.

22. Subliminal license plates. License plates with a subliminal message: "ZIIIING". However, this could very well be a coincidence.

23. Terrible fatigue. Drop dead fatigue after passing through a chemically contaminated area and high radiation exposure. This sometimes occurs subsequent to a helicopter over flight.

24. Divergence of responsibility. Something is always done to remove responsibility from the true culprits and place it on a US Government agency. That way the victim will think that he/she happens to be the subject of a bona fide US Government investigation.

25. Isolation. Old friends do not return phone calls and broke contact. Others awkwardly turned away upon seeing me in the metro.

26. Silence of Authority.  Letters to Congress met with silence.

1 comment:

  1. Wifi -Microwave Torture Harassed Victims - Darpa Obama - Raymond Invisible Right Retina-Eye Implants From Your Monitor!

    Gov. Electronic Torture - Advanced Alien Tech./Obama Exe./Raymond! I'm implanted, they call me The Kid, I got the Rights!

    US Darpa Gov. Agency (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Invisible Alien Tech.) Wifi Implanting the USA, maybe 40 % Complete?
    I waited 45 years for this fallen angel and got his microchip from my computer's monitor ! They don't ask you to take the mark of the beast!
    Do Christian tax payers know your money is being invested in high profit porn ? Gov. Wifi Expert Raymond said the US Gov. franchises and
    regulates all online porn sites.

    This is no joke. I'm Lee I'm US Gov. Darpa Wifi Warfare implanted for US citizen surveillance and elec. mind control torture!

    It can not be removed only by US Gov. Darpa Obama and he won't and it is invisible!
    Billionaire Howard Raymond (King of Porn) 72310 Blue Ridge Ct. Palm Desert, CA. 92260.Howard is Obama Gov. Immune.
    If you want an implant go to,,, or almost any porn site or Government online site he
    owns them all. Raymond said I'm an extremely brave man! I will be wifi terminated soon!

    US Gov. Darpa (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Invisible Alien Tech.) (Invisible) Advanced Alien Technology taken from all past alien
    captives and spacecraft research in USA. US Gov. Darpa invisble micro implanted my family for war without our knowledge?
    I love Darpa and their Adv. Invisible Alien Technology but not their microwave implant plan and agencies for civilian mind control warfare,
    surveillance and yes low level microwave torture for Howard William Raymond and the US Government Darpa Warfare Agency!

    If you use a computer or cell phone you are probably Darpa Gov. Wifi implanted. It can be silent or wifi cell elec. static in ear from eye -mind
    implant (invisible advanced alien tech. cam- view anywhere in wifi area) Yes it is unbelievably true ! Porn Raymond/Thornton use it for sex and
    sell it at no expense!
    This micro is installed from his Howard’s or other Gov. implanter's home using porn site or other site from your monitor to your right eye retina
    with an invisible Advanced Alien Tech. Microchip program. He said his Darpa Exe. Obama Darpa micro implant forms a micro cell in your right eye
    and brain with a voice to skull phone connection you can hear like a cell phone. Why the the right eye? It is connected to nerves in your brain for
    mind posession and control, they see, feel, smell, taste everything you do. They can view you or sell you, I know they are doing it to me now.

    This microwave implant also forms an invisible adv. Alien tech. Cam that can view anything anywhere you go, in your room or anywhere at any
    angle at any degree ! Raymond records and sells you and your sex like his father did in London 20 years ago on porn online sites wifing your
    house! He can sell and torture,, and most porn viewers because he is Bama Gov. Immune.
    I still don’t know why US Gov. Darpa Raymond want their wifi implant the US program plan to be known!
    Howard said US Darpa Government Warfare harassment implants and torture are legal with their own Darpa Exe. Laws.
    My Freedom of Speech and Invasion of Privacy Act are no longer in effect, Obama?

    I asked Howard why would they be decieving and implanting US citizens? Howard said he and thousands of Gov. millionaire implanters (like
    Democratic celebrities, the rich) will be killed if they don’t agree with the President to microwave implant the USA! He told me this and I think it is true! Raymond - Darpa is responsible for "Voices in My Mind" in CA. USA Darpa - H. Raymond-Thornton Exposing Obama's Wifi USA Civilian
    Surveillance Implant Agency Plan and for US Warfare Mind Control surveillance for war or civilian contol.
    A Gov. Fallen Angel Program!
